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Here's Buddy, living the good life!
We adopted Buddy almost 2 years ago (January 22nd to be exact). He is such a friendly and loving pup. He is always wagging his tail and shows his teeth to smile when greeting people at the door. He loves teddy bears and loves to snuggle! He’s definitely a food monster haha but his favourite treats are plain hamburgers from Mc Donald’s & strawberries! He gets along great with his Sister Bella (our other rescue dog) and enjoys going for walks!

Lucky Lily was adopted Janet and her family
I wasn't really looking for a dog. My heart was still broken from losing my 13 year old Weimaraner and I wasn't sure if I was ready for another one. One day in July I was on Facebook and Lily's picture popped up on FurEver Young's page. I was instantly in love and I filled out an application. As soon as I hit send I thought: "Oh my, what did I just do?" I had never had a small dog, I had never owned a dog that needed to be regularly groomed, and I had never dealt with a dog with allergies.
Lily's post was not up for long when FurEver Young stated they received a lot of applications and were not taking more at that time. I wasn't sure if mine made the cut off. A week or so later a volunteer from FurEver Young contacted me to find out if I was still interested in Lily. After a quick family discussion, I said yes. A few days later, we met Lily (and her lovely foster family) for the first time. She was so much smaller than I expected! A real purse dog! Not really "my type" of dog. But I was in love with her. And apparently, so was my daughter. They seemed to bond immediately.
A few days later we were told we could adopt Lily if we wanted to, but she first required some dental surgery. Once she recovered for a few days in her foster home, she came home with us. She fit in right away. It's like she's been with us forever. We love her and spoil her as much as we can. She's super sweet and easy to care for. We feel so lucky that she has come into our lives. I guess I'm a purse dog gal after all!
Thank you, FurEver Young, for all that you do for senior animals. Everyone should adopt a senior! They still have so much love to give