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She had me from "Hello"

Being involved in animal rescue is one of the most fulfilling yet heart wrenching things. For fellow rescuers, you know what I am talking about. Lets face it, many many animals come and go from our care - and being a Senior Animal Rescue - their time is often short with us.

While we love and adore all of the animals that come into our care - there are "certain ones" that kind of capture your heart - for whatever reason.

Again, for fellow rescuers, you know this to be true. Being involved with animal rescue both independently and with FurEver Young over the course of about 6 years - I can honestly say Ive had my fair share of heart ache from animals capturing my heart (despite me putting that damn wall up so high swearing to avoid heartache again.) On August 29th we lost one of those little angels - one of the ones who captured me from day one and I want to tell you how special she was.

Allie came into our care as a 16 year old pure bred, non spayed Bichon Frise. Her family surrendered her due to an out of province move. Although Allie had no immediate major health issues at the time, she was suffering from some kind of skin condition and her hair was very thin (very far from the puff ball you will see in the photos below!) She wasn't what you say a very happy girl - she looked sad and confused when I first met her at the vet. I remember her snapping at Dr. Wilson for checking her teeth - and learned this little princess had a bit of an attitude :) After her initial vet visit, Allie went into "shared" foster care.....that means that I really wanted to adopt her but I wasn't allowed (pfft! Apparently 5 animals is enough?!) so I took her on some days and nights until the right home was found. After about 10 days in our care I brought Allie into work for a visit and lets just say that her home was found at THAT moment. A co-worker of mine,Joe, met Allie and it was love at first sight. I knew when Joe quickly called his wife Margaret and said "you need to come into work right now and meet this little girl" that Miss Allie had found her retirement home. :) And boy, did she ever win the doggy lottery with this family! Allie was very soon adopted, had a fur brother Keddy and a mom and dad who loved her beyond words. Leaving Allie with Joe and Margaret was tough as I had grown pretty attached to her BUT I knew she was in amazing hands....and I became "mama Kelsey". Joe, Margaret, along with all of our fur babies became close this past year....going for winter hikes at Clovelly golf course, popping in for tea and pretty frequent visits, Allie allowed me to find two amazing new friends. Allie even made an appearance in this years NL Pet Expo Seniors Stroll where she obviously stole everyones heart. She had that way about her.... Her health continued to improve and her fur grew in making her look even cuter (if that was even possible!) People often couldn't believe she was as old as she was. As if all of this wasn't enough, pretty soon when the weather got warmer, Allie got a taste of "the country" and there was no looking back! Allie spent the better part of the last two months up the country with family and friends, running free, relaxing in the sun (and in the air conditioned camper when it was too hot!), and she even had the occasional dip in the lake. She was the happiest little girl and every time I would visit my friends - I would feel so much joy when I saw "Allie Wallie" and the life that she was SO very fortunate to be living. I don't want to go into Allie's last week because that is not how I will remember her. But I will say, she lived life to the fullest up until the end wanting to roll over for belly rubs, eat her carrots and cuddle with her mom and dad.

At the age of 17, she was just tired and it was her time to cross over. I wish that animals could live even half as long as people do. They bring so much joy, comfort and love to our lives - a kind like no other.

I will be forever grateful to Allie for coming into FurEver Young and once again teaching me about the strength of love and the power of loss.....but for also bringing two incredible friends into my life at a time when I needed it the most. Allie was laid to rest out at the country with the best view of the camper. She can now watch over her mom, dad and little brother while she rests in peace. Gone but absolutely never forgotten. With so much love "little inch" ---- Love your mama Kels xo

****As part of this tribute I am attaching the post that was shared on our FurEver Young page from Allies mom***** Please continue reading below.

" A BIG thank you to everyone at FurEver Young from Allie and her family. Many of you knew about sweet little Allie last year when she came into the care of FurEver Young. Well we won the lotto and got to have her join our family. She had a wonderful year but it got even better this summer when she spent most of the last two months at our summer home. She loved it there....swimming, running with her brother and bossing the big dogs around. But sometimes good things come to an end and our little Allie had her last day with us today. She came into our lives almost exactly a year ago needing love and care so badly. She was the biggest gift ever. She didn't complain once, was fiercely loyal and a wonderful little sister to Keddy. She has gone home to "the country" for the last time, tucked into the woods in her little nest with a fresh garden carrot.

Sleep well little Inch"

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